Monday, August 25, 2008

Letter to Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston

If Nancy Pelosi needs clarification on the Vaticans strong DISSAPPROVAL of abortion she only need read Pope Paul II, Letter to Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston.
Please Click Link.

Letter to Cardinal Bernard Law, Archbishop of Boston

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday's Insight

Today is Saturday, a day of rest for me and the family. The dog, having just returned from her walk with the hubby is reclining on the floor panting near the air-conditioning vent. It is only 10:33 AM and already she is feeling the signs of the heat and humidity to come. What to do with a crazy roo. She is now barking, a clear sign that breakfast must be delivered pronto or the hounding will continue at a fevered pitch.
Breakfast has been delivered the barking has ceased.

Today's blog entry will be fairly calm. I have done all my ranting this week on my blog. Now having dumped the contents of political bellowings on my readers, I am free to be civil, maybe for the entire weekend, perhaps to resume Monday, who knows. I think some reading is required. Perhaps I will finish reading
"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" by Michael Savage or I may decide to start a new book or perhaps the bible needs consulting today. Regardless of what I decide, I am quite sure there will be no blogging today.

One last thought, whatever you decide to do today, stay in a cool place, stay hydrated and don't over-exert.

Next Blog: The trials and treatments (with Cranberry Capsules - they may be working)! of Rusty and her unresolved bladder problems.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Currently Cooking a New Topic

Welcome to my new blog site where all opinions are welcome. You can currently find me at where my sometimes hearty opinions are cooked up monthly. If I could only stay out of the kitchen for a while, just ask my husband and the dog. Thank You. Visit again