Saturday, June 7, 2008

Saturday's Insight

Today is Saturday, a day of rest for me and the family. The dog, having just returned from her walk with the hubby is reclining on the floor panting near the air-conditioning vent. It is only 10:33 AM and already she is feeling the signs of the heat and humidity to come. What to do with a crazy roo. She is now barking, a clear sign that breakfast must be delivered pronto or the hounding will continue at a fevered pitch.
Breakfast has been delivered the barking has ceased.

Today's blog entry will be fairly calm. I have done all my ranting this week on my blog. Now having dumped the contents of political bellowings on my readers, I am free to be civil, maybe for the entire weekend, perhaps to resume Monday, who knows. I think some reading is required. Perhaps I will finish reading
"Liberalism is a Mental Disorder" by Michael Savage or I may decide to start a new book or perhaps the bible needs consulting today. Regardless of what I decide, I am quite sure there will be no blogging today.

One last thought, whatever you decide to do today, stay in a cool place, stay hydrated and don't over-exert.

Next Blog: The trials and treatments (with Cranberry Capsules - they may be working)! of Rusty and her unresolved bladder problems.

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