Monday, August 30, 2010

Crispings from The Bear's Fry-Pan: We Are Women, NOT Objects for Your Amusement!

Crispings from The Bear's Fry-Pan: We Are Women, NOT Objects for Your Amusement!

Monday, August 23, 2010

We Are Women, NOT Objects for Your Amusement!

I originally wrote the posting below as a comment on Denzale Montgomery's Home/Lifestyle Article: "Women: Second Rate In The Eyes of Society" on Technorati:

I feel my comment, needs further mentioning as a posting on my blog as well. Thank You Denzale Montgomery for addressing this concern that has been on my mind and others as well.

"It is very frustrating when men do not take women seriously, when we are treated as if our thoughts do not matter, when we are looked at as objects either as derision because we do not fit into society's mold of the perfect woman in appearance and attitude, or we are treated as objects if we have certain attributes that men desire.

Let us Just take a look at other nations where women are treated as property, where their lives are not valued or prized for the precious, wonderful intelligent beings God created.

Physiologically, mentally, and socially women are different from men. Our bodies have been designed by God for different purposes, our minds are not wired the same way and our social needs tend to be different. Whether male or female we are all individuals with our own unique set of characteristics. Different does not mean inferior it just means that no one is alike. However, according to the rule of law either God's or The US Constitution, we are all created human beings and therefore equal with equal rights and freedoms granted under those laws.

Although, It is true that our natural instincts may dictate how we look, act and perceive, humans were created to reason and make decisions. We have a free will and are able to know right from wrong and to make a choice either way. We do have the power to overcome our negative traits. Therefore, men and women need NOT be bond by our natural desires. We can rise above these desires.

In Summary: Women need to take back control over their lives, thoughts, self worth and dignity. Don't allow any man to dictate your self worth or play with your emotions. Stand up for yourselves when you know you are right.

We are not one of the boys we are women, treat us with the respect and dignity we deserve and we will return the same.